A Day Late, a Blog Post Short: What to blame my InfoDump delay on now?
I had hoped my brain fog and lack of energy would have released me from a type A notion that I could in fact write THE perfect post to start this blog. Instead, I lamented that I did it again, like last January, when I launched FLOWLab⁵...that I made a bit off more than I could chew...
Bereft of Summer
America’s season of collective mourning and what comes next.
The Struggle is Real, but the Summer is Not.
Kids are losing (it) too.
Feminism Didn’t Need a Rebrand
We never needed a strategy to sell equality.
Choose your own adventure.
What type of Rage Writer Do You Want to Be? There’s plenty to fuel our collective rage-filled creative content. Your rage may be justified. Does that mean you should share it? Maybe.
Resisting the Pressure to Pivot.
Recognizing the privilege and power in rest.
Time after time.
24 hours a day, Mothers continue their quest for visibility, economic equality, and harmony.
Work in the Time of Corona
A tale of a woman choosing between the family and the job she loves.
Remote work is not a fad.
It’s worked for me for my entire life. But, flexible work is about more than just being remote.