In the Name of the Unholy Trinity™️ (patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism) I dissent. I dissent. I dissent.

I cannot abide people who say one thing when the exact opposite is true. Who say left, then go right. Who look you in the eye as they lie. It makes me physically ill, which is why seeing the impacts of race (a lie) & gender (a lie) impact ALL of us every day is just making me want to stick a fork in my eye.
So, if SAYING THE TRUTH is needed, I won't censor my LinkedIn post. I may get the boot or hidden, but I won't edit myself when the stakes are this high. The words I am not supposed to say (because Uncle Algo's propensity to silent dissenters) must be heard.
We must DISSENT, and do so LOUDLY.

In the Name of the Unholy Trinity™️ (patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism) I dissent. I dissent. I dissent.
I dissent ALL OF IT. The racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, sexism, misogynoir, homophobia, transphobia, and classism.
I dissent the murder of another Black woman in her g.d. kitchen. I dissent police beating protestors.
I dissent my tax dollars being used for the Military Industrial Complex.
I dissent the "Chief" claiming we're not at war while US bombs take out schools, hospitals, aid workers, entire families, blow up children.
I dissent my religion being weaponized, used to justify a genocide.
I dissent the Federal Budget for "transparency" used to trick us to trust, while they bury information about lobbyists, and hide the Super Pac's funds that supersede our votes.
I dissent the politicians in Congress that vote against their constituents, and even against their own talking points.
I dissent my "progressive" Senator, Wyden, attending a war criminal's speech. (I applaud Senator Merkley for taking a stand. And Senator Raskin, too).
I dissent the denying the findings of the world court WE created when the outcomes don't jive with imperialism.
I dissent Netanyahu's invitation, his horrendous visit to our nation, and the arrests of protesters speaking up.
I dissent the Big Think Tanks, the Big 3/4 Consulting firms that advise our government while Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banks, Big Oil AND weapons manufacturers fill Donor lists and Client rosters of said Think Tanks and Consulting firms.
I dissent those who fund violence over breadcrumbs of aid, while people in Gaza, Sudan, Yemen and Congo starve or labor to death.
I dissent empires complicity in all of the "conflicts" continuing around the world.
And I dissent gun culture, and rape culture, because wtaf?!
I dissent social media giants deciding what is newsworthy, and amplifying hate.
I dissent SCOTUS' ruling the past few years with BOUGHT justices who ignore precedent and attack our bodies over and over again.
I dissent The Powers That Be, the men in charge, and the women that support them, as they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Democracy, Freedom, and protecting Humanity must be UNIVERSAL, or we will not exist at all.
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