“The Rules” Based in Shame are a Gaslighter’s Game.
Dealt a Hand Without a Choice? Make Your OWN RULES and Use Your Damn Voice.
“The Powers That Be” have the Midas Touch.
A poem about power, patriarchy, capitalism, and gold.
🔥The Hot List – Top 5: "This Girl is on Fire" Edition
The Hot List–Top 5 is a curated selection of creator content, offering unique perspectives on managing the overwhelm, riding the emotional rollercoaster of 21st century life. Find inspiration and solidarity to keep going. Read these pieces when you're going to pieces, for fire and ALL THE FEELS.
In the Name of the Unholy Trinity™️ (patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism) I dissent. I dissent. I dissent.
I cannot abide people who say one thing when the exact opposite is true. Who say left, then go right. So, if SAYING THE TRUTH is needed, I won't censor this poem.
How to Design a Wonderful Life and Leave a Legacy: Work with Purpose and People Who Care
On a seemingly random Sunday in September, someone I know passed away. It happened to be Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish
My Geek Culture Theme: I see dead people.
As a multipotentialite whose blog is literally about info dumping, the reality is, I am not just a small geek; I’m a big ol’ super nerd. Join me as I geek out on my love for movies about the afterlife, and my reverence for “ordinary” humans doing the extraordinary.
There is right; they’re just wrong: We the People demand freedom.
A series of rants on human rights, freedom, and the need to save all the worlds.
The Dead Cannot Consent Through Innocent Dissent.
Please Pause Your Post and Consider the Cause
📵Before I wax poetic (below) allow me to provide context.
When posthumous
How You Know You Need a Fill Up: You've Had Enough, Already.
Our capacity to heal is as infinite as our capacity to burn out even further. It’s essential to our collective survival that you take a break.
Oh Say Can You See? The Only Path to Victory is Liberation
Do you see fascism? Do you know what it looks like? Do you know what you’re talking about? We ALL do.