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🔥The Hot List – Top 5: "This Girl is on Fire" Edition

The Hot List–Top 5 is a curated selection of creator content, offering unique perspectives on managing the overwhelm, riding the emotional rollercoaster of 21st century life. Find inspiration and solidarity to keep going. Read these pieces when you're going to pieces, for fire and ALL THE FEELS.

Inspo & Fire

Maybe you're raging mad, feeling beat down, or ready to burn it all down? You're not alone or cray. You're feelings are welcome and valid.

If you're having one of those days where the dumpster fire is exposed, read on.

Maybe a post, an event, or interaction set your hair on fire, so to speak. It stops you in your tracks."What in the actual hegemony is this?" This is my daily experience, and why I write–to process and turn my rage to rainbows.

I talk about the failing system/economy often, especially on LinkedIn. If I rant and rage, my posts will get decent views. But, when I share HOW to change the system, or what I am doing that is making an impact, less so. It's almost as if...never mind.

My point is, I am not without hope, or solutions. Some days, the action to take is to just let it out. To express disgust and dissent is an ACT. When we publish our anger it's not just "complaining." We're saying "I see what you are doing" and "Enough with this hegemonic bull shit!"

When the world is a lot, or The Powers That Be are getting me down, I can't "relax." I need to process and learn before I'm able to move on. I like to suck up all the info like a content hoover till I feel replete with info. Then, I synthesize it and curate what I know. When I have all the facts, I try to make meaning out of the madness to keep you fired up and informed.

What do you do when you're having a day where the feed or your feelings are just too damn much? Try to ignore it, or pretend you can nap or walk it off? For me, distracting myself is ineffective and sleep evades me on good days. On days when I am witnessing violent systems of oppression, it's basically not happening until I've word vomited a few thousand characters.

I find comfort when I witness others experiencing the joy and pain of being a human existing on a planet that is literally on fire. I know from my DMs and posts, this is one of the many reasons you found your way here, to my content/blog. Because the value I bring is in SAYING THE DAMN THING.

You've told me that I put into words exactly what you're feeling, and I help you process ALL THE FEELS. If reading these helps you feel seen and less alone, amazing. Knowing you read them does the same for me. Thank you.

When you need to find solace, solidarity, or a spark to move on, read one (or all!) of the 5 pieces below. Consider this Hot List Top 5 your swift kick in the a$$ to #KeepGoing.

In the Name of the Unholy Trinity™️ I dissent. I dissent.
I cannot abide people who say one thing when the exact opposite is true. Who say left, then go right. So, if SAYING THE TRUTH is needed, I won’t censor this poem.
The Dead Cannot Consent Through Innocent Dissent.
Please Pause Your Post and Consider the Cause 📵Before I wax poetic (below) allow me to provide context. When posthumous pics are posted to social media, or videos of suffocating men pinned down till they can’t breathe, or mangled children’s bodies are set to music in a reel,
The Powers That Be Can Take a Hike
“The Powers That Be” knocked the wind out of me, so I wrote another poem to say f*ck the patriarchy.
Why should anyone targeted by violent people calm down? Let’s get real.
People in power positions: don’t miss this memo. I have seen a lot of debate amongst well meaning people on the need for us to temper language when it comes to calling out privilege, sexism, racism or White Supremacy. Truthfully, whenever I see this I want to poke my eyeballs
Breath of Fire. Burn the Air. Write About It, If You Dare.
At times, I’ve felt like I was suffocating until I wrote the first few thousand words. Writing is my “in case of emergency break glass” box—but there’s always an emergency, so shattered glass is a given.
Do you have a favorite post from The Hot List 🔥 - Top 5: This Girl is On Fire.? Comment or send me a message here. And if you're not already signed up, subscribe now at 50% off.